It’s 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) right now here in Southern California. That’s about 20 degrees above normal. Supposedly, today should be the last day of our 2-week heat wave. At least, that’s what Dani told me last night. She’s the weekday weather person on our local network news station. I hope she’s right. One day last […]
How to Change the World (and still make it home for dinner)
How much of an impact do I have to make before it counts? Deep inside, most of us want to make a difference. We want our lives to count for something, to be noticed, to hear some applause. We want somebody to point at us in a crowd and say, “Hey! There’s the person who […]
You’re As Smart as Einstein – but Here’s One Big Reason Why He Was More Famous
When people think of “smart,” they often think of Albert Einstein. Einstein pondered the universe, and came up with things like “The Theory of Relativity.” I asked some friends what the theory of relativity was, and nobody could really explain it. They knew they studied it in school, but couldn’t remember it beyond the test. […]