Want to make today a better day than yesterday? Pick just one of these ten tips and try it today.
Just one.
Will it change everything today? Nope – but it’ll be a tiny nudge in the right direction.
It’ll be a bright spot – like that moment when the sun breaks through for just a minute on a totally overcast day.
Your day will be a tiny bit better than it would have been otherwise.
Which one will you choose?
1. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier, or rise 15 minutes later. (Most of us need more sleep than we get.)
2. Text a friend you don’t see often. (Say, “I thought of you today.”)
3. Eat an apple. (Your body will thank you.)
4. List 5 positive traits about a person who drives you crazy. (Put it in writing.)
5. Download an old song you love and listen to it. (Do it for sheer enjoyment.)
6. Drive the speed limit. (You’ll enjoy the stress-free drive if you’re not in a hurry.)
7. Skip watching the news on TV for this one day. (Reading is an amazing substitute.)
8. Pet an animal. (Even if you have to borrow one.)
9. Stare out the window for 5 minutes – twice. (Think through your blessings.)
10. Give someone you care about the gift of eye contact. (Listen carefully without distraction.)
Try it for just one day. See how it feels.
Try it again next week.
Simple steps become a pattern – and new patterns can change your life over time.
Need a suggestion for #7 above? One of my most popular books, “The People Pleaser’s Guide to Loving Others without Losing Yourself” can free you from the need to find your self-worth in the approval of others. Most books on the topic tell you to put yourself and your needs first, and quit trying to make others happy. But you love helping people!
People-pleasing is exhausting, but the solution is simple. Pick up a copy today!